Cheltenham Repair Cafe operates between 10:00-1:00 on the 1st Saturday of the month (except January) at St Andrew’s Church, Montpellier St, GL50 1SP
Who are we?
The Cheltenham Regeneration & Repair Cafe was established in May 2016 by Vision 21, University of Gloucestershire, St Andrew’s Church and the Gloucestershire Waste Team.
We invite you to bring in your broken items for repair. Repair cafes offer a mixture in types of repairs they can do ranging from:
- Textiles
- Knife sharpening
- Electrical goods
- Bric-a-Brac
You will be able to sit with vilunteers as they carry out the repairs, by doing this you can pick up valuable, life long skills which wil mean less and less items being discarded as ‘unfixable’. We cannot guarantee that we are able to repair everything brought to the cafe, but we will give it a try.
To get a better idea of what we do, click below to watch this short video.
If you are really keen to see more, the next video features Jonathan Porritt at the launch of the Regeneration cafe in a film made by a University of Gloucestershire Media School Sustainability Intern.
To get involved with this project or to find our more, why not contact us?
We are always looking for volunteer repairers, organisers, and helpers in our Cheltenham Repair café. We get a variety of items that need repairing, these vary from:
Small electrical items