
Welcome toVision 21

A local charity working to make Gloucestershire communities more sustainable, robust, and resilient  

Latest News: Work Starts on Planet Cheltenham EcoHub

We are pleased to update that on 4th March work started on the construction of the Planet Cheltenham EcoHub in St Pauls.

Initial work will involve demolition of the existing building before construction can start on the two storey EcoHub. Work is expected to take around 26 weeks and, subject to raising the required funds to complete the fitout of the building, we hope to be ready to open the EcoHub in late 2025.

The original building in Malthouse Lane
Construction work starting in early March
Artist impression of the completed building


On 5th March we welcomed members of the press and the local community to view the site. You can see the updates on their websites here:

We believe that the EcoHub will be an valuable facility for our local community as well as helping to provide education and information regarding how we can all help to address the impacts of climate. 

Please visit our Donation Page for more information on how to donate or Contact Us if you would like to discuss any other ideas on how you can support the project or the wider work of Vision 21.


Reclaim is our volunteer supported furniture re-use scheme based in Cheltenham. We sell pre-loved furniture for a reasonable price – supporting low income households & saving tonnes of C02 every year.

Our volunteer supported Regeneration & Repair cafes are held at locations across Gloucestershire and invite people to bring in their broken small electrical items, textiles, knives and tools for sharpening. 

Explore how we are working to help people prepare for the challenges climate change will bring. Join us and learn how we can make Cheltenham a fairer and more sustainable place to live.

Planted is our new volunteer supported community hub in Charlton Kings. Offering a plant based cafe, loose food/refill shop and local art. We host activities, talks, groups, art workshops and more. Supporting the community and encouraging sustainable living.

We are one of 100 Nature Hubs funded by Hubbub in 2024 to help people reconnect with nature. Join us at our community growing project in Annecy Gardens and nature events and community meals at Planted cafe.


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